Tag: medical billing

You Need a Medical Billing Firm – Have You Considered These Qualities?

The financial success of any healthcare practice is related to how effectively the compliance, collection, and follow-ups are handled throughout the medical claims process. Medical billing is extremely complex and time-consuming, requiring considerable oversight from your medical practice team. Electing to outsource your billing to a firm can mean more quality time spent with your…

Creating Custom Reports For Your Medical Practice

Reporting of a practices medical billing performance is more complicated today than ever before because the options for reporting are much greater. EMR programs collect and process so much data, that it becomes overwhelming and time consuming to manage and sort for most practice managers. In order to truly measure specific practice performance processes that…

Communication Is Key

The Life Skill, “Communication is Key” should apply to the operation of any successful healthcare provider! From the Physician to the front desk, and everyone involved with a patient record… Communication is the key to ensuring an excellent experience for your patients and is a vital foundation for a productive partnership with your outsourced billing department. When working with an…

The Vital Role EMR Plays in Medical Billing

    When the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was approved, all healthcare providers (both public and private) were required to adopt the use of electronic medical records (EMR). Since January 1, 2014, EMR systems have assisted several healthcare organizations in maintaining health-related information on patients, as well as improving workflow and the quality of…

Two Observations For Patients, That Providers May Not Tell You

You might have heard frustration from a patient who has gone from doctor appointment to appointment with no change in diagnosis and feels unheard, ignored or dismissed OR, their symptoms/concerns have not been taken seriously. These are the first patients to seek out a new physician without first voicing their concerns and frustrations with their…

What if your billing team went away tomorrow?

What if your medical billing team went away tomorrow? It’s happened to more than one practice. Like many specialty medical practices, you probably have an in-house team that handles your revenue cycle management; From billing to coding, to auditing, collections, payment posting, claims re-submissions and dealing with payors. For some practices, this in-house arrangement works…