Category: Medical Coding Company

NEW E/M Coding Changes Coming 2019

Heads Up for Healthcare –  NEW E/M Coding Changes Coming 2019 We all know that change is the only constant in the Medical Coding world. This recent CMS release of coding initiatives in 2019 proposes a pretty significant change for Evaluation and Management (E/M) coding that can impact doctor visits for both the patients and…

Step by Step Efforts to Combat Claim Denial

A practice’s efforts to reduce claim denials should begin with an understanding of its greatest source of denials. Run a series of denial reports over a period of time (3 weeks, or 3 months) that include: denial reasons procedure codes reported modifiers diagnosis codes payors The results can be your greatest asset in identifying the…

How Coders Can Help Prevent Healthcare Fraud and Abuse

  Coding services are the life-blood of your practice. That is how the services you provide are transformed into billable revenue. It takes a knowledgeable and experienced coding staff to maximize your billed charges while maintaining strict compliance with CMS and CCI guidelines. Coders are trained to identify noncompliance and fraud. Part of a coder’s…

Time for a Coding Audit?

Running a busy private orthopedic practice can be a real challenge. There are times all you can do everyday is just “keep up”.

This is when you start working IN your practice instead of ON it.

National Correct Coding Edits – Effective April 1

CMS releases 2nd Quarter PTP and MUE Version Updates The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released the April 2018 code pair tables for providers to review before filing claims. CMS developed the national correct coding initiative (NCCI) to promote correct coding methodologies and to control improper coding that leads to inappropriate payment…

Identify and Overcome Billing and Coding Reimbursement loss

Spine and orthopedic surgery practices often face revenue building challenges due to billing and coding errors. The culprit is simply confusion in changes to procedure or misunderstanding of the strict guidelines and CPT coding criteria. MEREM Healthcare Solutions offers insight for practice administration to improve their revenue through detailed coding and accuracy in the billing…

Billing for Mid-level Providers

There is a lot of confusion and questions about how and when to bill for mid-level providers.  If you have a new mid-level in your practice for the first time, then you might not know what “incident-to” billing is. You may not even know what the difference is between billing for a mid-level provider versus…

5 Major Reasons Your Claims Are Getting Denied

Getting your claims denied is a tremendous inconvenience for a practice. It not only slows things down in the office, but it also delays your payments. It is important to understand why you may be experiencing a build-up of denied claims. As a medical coding company ourselves, we want to help. Here are the top…

ICD-10 Means Big Changes For Mental Health Providers

ICD-10 implementation is now underway, and psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists are in for a huge change. In fact, they are in for the biggest coding change in decades. With over 55,000 new diagnostic codes, all physicians are likely to feel the pressure. Every single diagnostic code currently being used by therapists practicing ICD-9 will become…

Medical Credentialing Services For Your Practice

Medical credentialing is painfully boring and time-consuming, but absolutely crucial. If medical credentialing is done poorly, it wreaks havoc on a practice. Common credentialing errors cause scheduling delays, fluctuation in revenue cycle, and much more. It’s important to take the appropriate amount of time necessary for credentialing, instead of waiting a month before a new…