Spine and orthopedic surgery practices often face revenue building challenges due to billing and coding errors. The culprit is simply confusion in changes to procedure or misunderstanding of the strict guidelines and CPT coding criteria.

MEREM Healthcare Solutions offers insight for practice administration to improve their revenue through detailed coding and accuracy in the billing process. Providers must take ownership to analyze, investigate, and interpret the new coding changes as it will affect healthcare reimbursement and delivery moving forward.

3 Ways to Overcome Billing and Coding Reimbursement Loss for Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery Providers

1.  Understand and apply new CPT code changes for

a.  procedures such as bone grafting for aspiration only versus spinal arthrodesis.

b.  the growing number of medical devices used in spinal procedures and detail how and which are used for each procedure.

2.  Develop an overall understanding of higher payer scrutiny for procedures such as spinal discectomies.

3.  Provide detailed support documentation. The increasing complexity of shoulder procedure codes require support documentation about the type and number of parts of the shoulder involved in the procedure.

The coding team at Merem Healthcare Solutions is trained to help your practice maximize billed charges. By reviewing every encounter note and operative report, our specialty coders will prevent under-coding and over-coding to ensure that every billable procedure performed is correctly reported. Additionally, our consulting team can help you increase charges by maximizing your clinic output and improving documentation quality.

Healthcare economics, Medicare, reimbursement, spinal surgery