Category: Medical Billing and Co…

Three Reasons Orthopedic Surgeons Lose Revenue

If there is one thing we understand at MEREM Healthcare Solutions, it ‘s practice profitability. We know from experience that so much income goes overlooked and undiscovered when it comes to medical billing and coding. However, there could be other revenue cycle components going on too.

Should You Outsource Medical Coding? Yes!

If you have a busy medical practice, then you have probably considered outsourcing your medical coding and billing services. In today’s digital age, where technology is advancing at lightning speed, 3rd party outsourced medical coding and billing can be a huge benefit for medical practices. Below, our professional biller and coders have provided some information about…

Does your staff know how to correctly bill patients?

Incorrect medical billing issues and misleading claims ranked in the top 10 complaints on the Consumer Federation of America report released on July 27th, 2017. The specific complaints related to patients receiving an incorrect bill for:  services they did not receive services that weren’t billed to their insurance company services that should have been covered…

Top 30 Medical Billing and Coding Blogs To Follow in 2018

  According to, MEREM Health was recently recognized as one of the Top 30 Medical Billing and Coding Blogs, Websites and Newsletters To Follow in 2018 because we are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower our readers with frequent updates and high-quality information. These blogs selected in the list were ranked based on the following criteria:…

You Need a Medical Billing Firm – Have You Considered These Qualities?

The financial success of any healthcare practice is related to how effectively the compliance, collection, and follow-ups are handled throughout the medical claims process. Medical billing is extremely complex and time-consuming, requiring considerable oversight from your medical practice team. Electing to outsource your billing to a firm can mean more quality time spent with your…

The Vital Role EMR Plays in Medical Billing

    When the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was approved, all healthcare providers (both public and private) were required to adopt the use of electronic medical records (EMR). Since January 1, 2014, EMR systems have assisted several healthcare organizations in maintaining health-related information on patients, as well as improving workflow and the quality of…

Consequences of Coding Errors

One of the largest causes of medical coding errors is due to inadequate medical documentation. Because of ICD-10, sets of more specific codes have been implemented and the CMS modify codes on a quarterly and annual basis. Incorrect coding, or miscoding, is likely for any medical practice that does not implement ongoing CPT code training for their medical coders. It…

Is Your Healthcare Facility’s Revenue Moving in the Wrong Direction?

The more patients you have, the more revenue you are bringing in, right? Wrong. While you would think more patients should mean you are improving your revenue within your medical practice, this is not the case. In fact, if healthcare practices are not careful, they could be losing revenue even as more patients come walking…

MEREM – Making You More Profitable

Medical billing and coding services is a critical component of a medical practice’s profitability, yet so much income goes overlooked and undiscovered. While your primary focus is caring for your patients as well it should be, it’s important to remember you are also running a business.

Time for a Coding Audit?

Running a busy private orthopedic practice can be a real challenge. There are times all you can do everyday is just “keep up”.

This is when you start working IN your practice instead of ON it.